- Current medications
- Allergies and any bad reactions in the past to medications
- Name, address and NHS number
Patients have the option to ‘opt out’ of the SCR. Please let a receptionist know if you would like to ‘opt out’.
Patients also have the option to ‘opt in’ to sharing more detailed information on the SCR. The enriched detail listed below is to better help healthcare professionals provide safe and effective care, particularly for people who may be frail of living with multiple health conditions.
- Significant medical history (past and present)
- Reason for medication
- Anticipatory care information such as managing long term conditions
- Immunisations
- End of life care information
Please see the links to further information below.
If you wish to opt out download and complete the opt out form and return to the practice or you can ask at reception.
Information Website
Summary Care Records on the NHS Digital.