Patient Participation Group

What is a Patient Participation Group?

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is where a group of health professionals and patients can come together to address issues that effect health and health services in their local community.

Usually connected to a particular GP practice, patient forums provide a link between practice staff and their registered patients.

The agenda of any particular group will depend upon the local needs, interests and energies of the participants, but its key role is to:

  • Enable patients to have a say in how our services are developed and improved
  • Provide feedback on new systems within the practice and how they are working from the patient perspective
  • Act as a sounding board for ideas, and support the practice to provide high quality health care

Patient Participation

Villa Street Patient Participation Group

In 2024 we relaunched our PPG, with the aim of receiving contributions that truly reflect our diverse patient demographic. We asked patients what would work for them and how we can best find a way to hear their voices in order to help us to develop and improve our services.

When we asked patients about attending regular PPG meetings the feedback we received was mixed: some prefer in person; others prefer online; all at different times of the day and some just wanted to be asked for input on specific issues rather than joining a meeting. Therefore we have decided to offer a range of these options to meet the needs of as many as possible.

We have agreed that we will inform patients of upcoming options and share progress updates by developing a list of willing patients to contact directly as well as promoting online via our website and in-person on our noticeboards. We will directly ask housebound patients if and how they would like to be involved to ensure all may have a voice.

Since gathering this feedback, we have dedicated an area in the ground floor waiting room for a ‘virtual’ PPG. This area promotes the PPG, encourages patients to be added to the PPG contact list and shares information and progress updates that have come out of our PPG feedback.

Our agreed priorities for 2024-2025

– Increase appointment capacity by reducing the amount of time lost when patients don’t attend a booked appointment.

– Support patients in using the NHS App effectively by making messaging clearer.

– Promote local community groups and networks such as 1st Place UK and Southwark Carers and connect patients with these services.

– Increase patient understanding of the range and volume of work that we do in General Practice by sharing data.

– Improve patient experience and reduce queue times by promoting the call back system.

– Continue to share summary of Friends and Family Test results.

Patient Participation Group Documents

Patient Participation Group Documents (Meeting Minutes etc)

How Do I Apply to Join?

If you would like to join our Patient Participation Group, please complete our online joining form, or alternatively, complete a form when you visit the practice. If you would prefer a copy to emailed to you then give us a call on 020 7703 7393 and let us know.